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Edible Wild Mushrooms, Easy Identifiable Beginner Vegan Foraging
Wild foraging can be intimidating to the beginner and with good reason. It requires attention to detail and a surety of knowledge. Not all Edible Wild Mushrooms are overly complicated to identify,...
You might be a new vegan just in time for the New Year or just thinking about going vegan. This might be an ethical decision or just curious about the health benefits of going plant-based. Regardless...
What is Gelatin? Gelatin, according to, is: gel·a·tin /ˈjelətn/ noun A virtually colorless and tasteless water-soluble protein prepared from...
Irresistible Guilt-free Vegan Halloween Candy Options for 2023
When I started my vegan journey years ago I wanted to see what my options were for vegan Halloween candy as I didn’t want to contribute to the suffering of animals. I was aware that milk was in...
Pignorant: A Thought-Provoking Reflection on Ethical Responsibility Towards Animals
Welcome, readers, to another insightful journey into the world of cinema, where today we delve into the thought-provoking documentary, "Pignorant." This film offers a unique perspective on our...
Advocating for Animal Rights: Embrace Veganism and Challenge Human Supremacy – Must-See Videos
In a world where information has the power to shape our perspectives and guide our choices, the realm of documentary filmmaking stands as a profound vehicle for enlightenment and change. As...