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How to Be a Successful Vegan | A Guide to Animal Rights-Based Veganism
Hey there, fellow animal rights advocates! Today, we've got a really special topic that's close to our hearts: How to be a successful vegan. If you're new here, I'm dedicated to living a cruelty-free...
Carnist Bingo Provided by: BingoBaker Follow along with your favorite vegan vs nonvegan debates. Play with a group or yourself and see how long it takes to get a bingo. Carnist Excuses Bingo:...
Are Vegans Destroying the Earth? – What are the Environmental Reasons to go Vegan?
There are many reasons to go vegan: some people do it for ethical considerations, some do it for their health, and some people do it for the environment. However, with respect to the environment,...
Organize Your Vegan Pantry with 9 Mind-Blowing Essential Tips
In this article, you will learn how to organize your vegan pantry. If you’re anything like most of us, your vegan pantry looks like a major disaster. Your intentions are there, but you’re busy....
We’ve all heard of the success, movie stars, athletes, and fitness icons have had with a ketogenic diet, but what if you are a vegan? Is it possible to combine the two? This dynamic duo sounds like...
Gaining in popularity, raw veganism is your way to better health through the dietary practice of eating raw or mostly raw food that is uncooked and unprocessed. This idea of eating raw foods...