Do Vegans Eat Junk Food? Vegan Junk Foods what they contain!


In recent years, the number of people adopting a vegan lifestyle has been on the rise. While the reasons for going vegan may vary from person to person, one question that often comes up is whether or not vegans eat junk food. After all, just because something is vegan doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of vegan junk food and what it typically contains.


What is Vegan Junk Food?

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s define what we mean by “vegan junk food.” Essentially, this term refers to any food or snack that is both vegan and high in calories, sugar, or fat. Think of it as the vegan equivalent of traditional junk food like potato chips, candy bars, or fast food burgers.

Examples of Vegan Junk Food

Now that we have a basic understanding of what vegan junk food is, let’s take a look at some examples. These are just a few of the many options available:

  1. Vegan Candy: There are plenty of vegan-friendly candy options available, from gummy bears to chocolate bars. Many of these products are made with plant-based ingredients like coconut milk or almond butter.
  2. Vegan Ice Cream: Who doesn’t love a bowl of ice cream? Thankfully, vegans can indulge in this sweet treat too, thanks to a variety of dairy-free ice cream options made from ingredients like soy milk or coconut cream.
  3. Vegan Chips: While traditional potato chips may not be vegan due to the use of animal-derived ingredients like cheese or bacon flavoring, there are plenty of vegan chip options available. These include options like sweet potato chips, kale chips, or even vegan “cheese” puffs.
  4. Vegan Fast Food: While fast food chains like McDonald’s or Burger King may not be known for their vegan options, many chains have started offering plant-based burgers or other vegan menu items. Additionally, there are plenty of vegan fast food restaurants popping up around the country, offering everything from vegan burgers to plant-based fried chicken.
  5. Vegan Baked Goods: From cupcakes to cookies, there are plenty of vegan-friendly baked goods available. These are typically made using plant-based substitutes for butter and eggs, such as coconut oil or applesauce.

What do Vegan Junk Foods Contain?

So, we know what vegan junk food is and we’ve seen some examples. But what do these products typically contain? Here are some of the most common ingredients you’ll find in vegan junk food:

  1. Sugar: Many vegan junk foods are high in sugar, which can contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, and other health issues.
  2. Fat: Just like traditional junk food, vegan junk food is often high in fat. This can come from sources like oil, coconut cream, or nuts.
  3. Salt: Many processed foods, including vegan junk food, are high in salt. Excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems.
  4. Additives: Some vegan junk foods contain a variety of additives, including preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. These can be harmful to your health if consumed in excess.

Health Risks of Vegan Junk Food

While it’s true that vegan junk food doesn’t contain animal products, it’s important to remember that it can still be unhealthy. Consuming too much sugar, fat, and salt can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health problems. Additionally, many vegan junk foods are highly processed and contain additives that can be harmful to your health.

Tips for Enjoying Vegan Junk Food in Moderation

If you’re someone who enjoys vegan junk food but wants to make sure you’re consuming it in moderation, here are some tips:

  1. Read the label: Before purchasing any vegan junk food, take a moment to read the label. Look for products that are lower in sugar, fat, and salt. Also, try to avoid products that contain a long list of additives.
  2. Limit your portion size: Instead of eating an entire bag of vegan chips or a pint of vegan ice cream, try limiting yourself to a small portion size. This can help you enjoy the treat without going overboard.
  3. Choose healthier options: While vegan junk food can be tempting, it’s important to remember that there are plenty of healthier vegan snack options available. Try snacking on fresh fruit, vegetables with hummus, or a handful of nuts.
  4. Make your own: If you enjoy baking or cooking, try making your own vegan junk food at home. This way, you can control the ingredients and make healthier substitutions where possible.


In conclusion, while vegan junk food may be tempting, it’s important to consume it in moderation. While these foods don’t contain animal products, they can still be unhealthy due to their high sugar, fat, and salt content. However, by reading labels, limiting portion sizes, choosing healthier options, and making your own vegan junk food, you can still enjoy these treats in a healthier way. Remember, a vegan lifestyle is about more than just what you eat – it’s also about being mindful of your overall health and well-being.


Hi, my name is Jason and I am a vegan with a keen interest in plant-based diet and nutrition. This site was set up to help me explore the research, facts, and myths about veganism. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.

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